Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Japanese BAck Chest Tattoo

Japanese BAck Chest TattooJapanese BAck Chest Tattoo

Japanese Arm Geisha Tattoo

Japanese Arm Geisha TattooJapanese Arm Geisha Tattoo

3D Snacke Tattoo on Right Arm

3D Snacke Tattoo on Right Arm3D Snacke Tattoo on Right Arm

Japanese Koi Fish Arm Tattoo

Japanese Koi Fish Arm TattooJapanese Koi Fish Arm Tattoo

This light coloured full upper arm tattoo is very Japanese and symblises aspiration and advancement.

Arm Eagle Tiger sleeve tattoo

eagle tiger sleeve tattooArm Eagle Tiger sleeve tattoo

3D Nosferatu Vampire Tattoo

3D Nosferatu Vampire TattooArm 3D Nosferatu Vampire Tattoo

3D Flower Foot Tattoo

3D Flower Foot TattooLeg 3D Flower Foot Tattoo

Beautiful 3D Dragon with Wings Tattoo on Back

Beautiful 3D Dragon with Wings Tattoo on BackBeautiful 3D Dragon with Wings Tattoo on Back

Flaming Skull Tattoo Design on Back

flaming skull tattoo designFlaming Skull Tattoo Design on Back

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sexy Back Flower Tattoo

Sexy Back Flower TattooSexy Back Flower Tattoo

Bumklin Handler Chloe Lower Back Tattoo

Bumklin Handler Chloe Lower Back TattooBumklin Handler Chloe Lower Back Tattoo

Foot Picture Lower Back Tattoo

Foot Picture Lower Back TattooFoot Picture Lower Back Tattoo

Tribal Lower Back Tattoo

Tribal Lower Back TattooTribal Lower Back Tattoo

Flower Lower Back Tattoo

Flower Lower Back TattooFlower Lower Back Tattoo

Butterfly Lower Back Tattoo

Butterfly Lower Back TattooButterfly Lower Back Tattoo

Libra Zodiac Tattoo in Breast

Libra Zodiac Tattoo in BreastLibra Zodiac Tattoo in Breast

Libra Zodiac Tattoo Simbols

Libra Zodiac Tattoo SimbolsLibra Zodiac Tattoo Simbols

Libra Sign Zodiac Tattoo

Libra Sign Zodiac TattooLibra Sign Zodiac Tattoo

Libra Zodiac Symbol Tattoo

Libra Zodiac Symbol TattooLibra Zodiac Symbol Tattoo

Back Leo Zodiac Tattoo

Back Leo Zodiac Tattoo Back Leo Zodiac Tattoo

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rat a Tat Tat

Well well well.

Walking and looking around my new city, I'm realizing I conspicuously lack something. It's...a baby bump!!
Ew. Fuckno, homos, today we're talking about tattoos, because I appear to be the last person in my 20's who doesn't have one. I am a traitor to my generation.
I don't know ONE SINGLE PERSON in my peer group (that includes everyone I've ever met ages 21-55 and your mom) who is clean-skinned. With no ink. It's kind of weird.

Even grandpas usually have a faded blue anchor somewhere.
Almost everybody has let their best friend from 8th grade do the tiny-design-hot-needle-ink-it'll-be-really-cool-I-promise thing in their basement.

Everybody but me.
Not only that, but I don't know anything about tattoos.
Once, when I worked at the cheese counter at Whole Foods (yes), I saw this big guy with two tattooed tears trickling down his cheeks. I had never seen that before (people, I was twenty-three fucking years old, keep in mind here), and I excitedly burst out with, "Omigod, I LOVE your little tears! That's SO COOL. You look like a sad little clown, way to add drama to your life! Aggh! That's too cute!"
The man looked at me oddly.

My co-worker, Gabe, kicked me sharply behind the counter. Undaunted, I continued.
"That's rad. Tattooed tears?? Rad. How did you ever think of that??"

The big man stared at me, then said quietly, "I killed two guys. A tear for each one."

He picked out his cheese (a questionable Spanish brie) and left.People, this is not my fault. I was raised Mormon, I don't know about this stuff, I'm basically running a race to catch up all the time.
Did I ever tell you lezzies that? I was born a Mormon. S'truth. I stayed Mormon till I was about 20, at which point I went on a year-long study abroad to Italy and ended up, um, really studying broads.
Ha! I kill me.
Seriously, though, I slept with the entire country. And some of France.
After I came back, there was no question about being Mormon anymore. I bought a bikini. I started drinking coffee. I started relishing the way the word "Goddamn" felt in my mouth. It was beautiful.
But I still never got a tattoo. It just felt wrong. Every time I set foot in a tattoo-shop, I heard the phrase "Putting graffiti on your temple walls" in echo-chamber voice.
Old habits are hard to break. I couldn't conquer the nagging fear that, on top of being sinful, I might have really bad taste, and live to regret a tattoo.

But now, here, in 2009...
I want one.
I wanna be different like everybody else.
I want strangers to touch me and ask what my tattoos mean while I roll my eyes at my friends.
I want anybody I do sexytimes with to think I'm really deep and have hidden pain and a side of me that I don't show to anybody else.
It will all be a lie, perpetuated by my fanciful ink. I'm not deep - I'm really a shallow asshole who likes to watch America's Next Top Model in her underpants.
I've never met a dyke who didn't have tattoos. Why is that? Is it because dykes pair up at the drop of a hat? Are we, as a people, so pro-commitment that we can take a design we think is kinda neat and commit to having that design on our bodies for all time and eternity?? What if you hate it later? As a personal favor to me, I think all girls who are even sliiiiiightly toeing the line on the Kinsey scale should immediately go out and get the same tattoo. Then I would know who was gay with no problems.

That might, however, eliminate the need for a certain someone's blog, however.

Sexy Girl 3D Back Tattoo

Sexy Girl 3D Back TattooSexy Girl 3D Back Tattoo