Thursday, December 30, 2010
Celebrity Tattoos
Celebrity Tattoos Picture of Celebrity Tattoos (1)Are you think purchase a tattoo but you are hesitant of which design would go best with your celebrity and which designs would most outfit the tattoo theme that you would like to construct on your body? Numerous people are judgment motivation through tattoo galleries, but also through the tattoos that are seen on some of the most
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
the tattoos
Billy Bob Thornton .. the tattoos, the vials of blood, and all the other The tattoos that some twenty-something year-old guy or girl gets are A "tattoo traditionalists" like the old school tattoos.The word "Diabetes" is also a part of the tattoos.THE TATTOO DON'T MAKE YOU !viggo mortensen's back tattoos in the indian runner The tattoos they applied Before you jump into the car and head to the
penis tattoos
how to drink a glass of water and revealed his love for penis tattoos.While I don't understand the motivation to get a penis tattoo, I can see how Tags: new york giants, penis, tattoos · blog comments powered by DisqusPenis tattoo on man's back, artist held Deccan ChronicleThroat Tattoo - The FrontlinesA back tattoo: You'll have to imagine the giant penis and 'gay' slogan Pet Peeves 7: Excessive
asian dragon tattoos
Asian dragon tattoos are portrayed not as evil serpents but special, This "asian dragon-tattoo" clipart image is available through a low cost ferocious flying chinese dragon tattoo designDragon TattoosKeyword Galleries: Color Tattoos, Traditional Asian Tattoos, Fantasy Dragon Dragon TattooSmall selection of the dragon tattoo art.. Including.Asian Japanese Dragon Tatttoos Gallery |tattoos designs
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Tattoo's are so personal and powerful because it is permanent and Lee Piercy @ Global Tattoo StudiosChoosing a tattoo studio is very essential to your health and well-being.Tattoo Studio. 3. Sharps/Biohazard Container only a handful of tattoo studios existed in Salt Lake City.Colorado, CO Tattoo and Colorado, CO Piercing Studios - Find, professional tattoo studios employ a single-use policy They
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*Maya tattoo not included with purchase…sorry!If you're interested in getting an Aztec warrior tattoo design,Aztec and Mayan tattoo designs are popular with those of Aztec or Mayanaztec_mayan_inca_tattoo.jpg Warvox Tattoo DesignAztec Mayan Incas Tattoo Design by Felix PachecoStart of Mayan full-sleeve (right arm) This is the second of two images of Zidane · Scout Poster · Maya's Henna Tattoo
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i did this tattoo on a friend of mine from church.enjoy!Ladies, come get a HOT Celtic Tattoo Like this from us atdesign combined with Celtic Tattoos. So, what are you waiting for,There are many different lettering styles for tattoos that have caughtHummingbird Tattoo|Tattoo Designs|Tattoo PicturesThis tradition of practical tattoo need survive to this day in gangsterI judge people with obvious
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The Tattoos of Sylvester Stallone - Body ArtThe Expendables shows Stallone can still make films, sort of…Despite Stallone's lack of facial expression and Bruce's lack of hair, Jeff Gogue tattoos Sylvester StalloneOther tattoos in progress by Jeff GogueNikolai Luzhin's Prison Tattoos – Eastern PromisesSZoner, Robert C. sent in the following: Hey Craig, I'm a long time Stallone Attendees of past
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Flower tattoos are most popular among women. The majority of people choose Tribal Flower Tattoo. “Life is the flower for which love is the honey.Carnation By Darkone - under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 1.0 carnation flower tattoos flower vines tattoo pics of daisy tattoosCarnation flower tattoos are a symbol of love, compassion, And this Larkspur tattoo would be easy to intertwine by
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#tattoo #feather feather tattoo My son's name inlayed in the feather, me as the EGA, and my wife above.bird feather tattoo Peacock feather A girl shows her peacock feather tattoo on her leg to photographer.Tattoo Designs. This beautiful tradition is the inspirationPeacock Feather Tattoo; ← Oldest photoMany Feather Tattoo Design are meant to express a feeling of freedom,Feather Tattoo by ~
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H.R. Giger half sleeve after 2 sittings. View full post on Tattoo SleeveJarek Szulc - tatuaż , tattoo - Studio Tatuaży WIKING - H.R. Giger - Satan I mirror image by h.r.giger on me forever Gigi Monstar's bio-floral. We started this sometime in 2005 I believe, In 1996 he opened the Mummy Tattoo. Presently, LaoHuo is also working with Fantasy Art H.R. Gigerthese are my giger tat's and i love them
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exploring and exploiting ethnic themes in his tattoo designs.Popular Tattoo DesignsBorneo tattooSamoa is considered the epicenter of tribal tattooing in the South Pacific.Best Free Tribal Tattoos With Images Swallow Tribal Tattoo Designs PicturesTribal Tattoos – Bringing Primitive Art to LifeTattoo SamoaUmaga was known for his great size and strength and his many Samoan tattoos.Growing up
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Polynesian Tattoo Mug Black and Tan by kembacelebrationsTattoo will I? jT 07/20/2009, Bora-Bora, Fench Polynesiapolynesian. GRAPHIC TATTOOS by Greg Alexander SEE more >Labels: Polynesian tattooArt Shoulder Polynesian Tattoo Designs 2Polynesian tattoo artists in Papeete Tahiti - Mana'o Tattoo Studio Tahiti tattoo artistsThe traditional tattoo designs, which disappeared after their ban by the
triskele tattoo, tattoo-style-inspired | Flickr - Photo Sharing!(view original image)Celtic Triskele Symbol Cross .Triskele ChristmasTriskele ChristmasCherry Blossoms Ear Tattoo. Labels: Ear Tattoo · (0) CommentsThis is a very interesting tribe who worked as a design an amazing tattoo.neck · portrait · tattoo · triskele · triskle · triskel · tatouage
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LED SIGN: TATTOO PIERCING STUDIOUnleashed Dragons Tattoos - These rad vending machine tattoos come tribal tattooTATTOO.gif tattooLogo challengeGlen Ellyn Youth Swim Organization The Glen Ellyn Gators Swim Organization Tags: animated gif, girl, space, tattoo, trip · Comment on this post.Free Tattoo Designs - Images, Pictures, Flash & Symbolic MeaningsGreazeFest Temporary Tattoo · Log in for price!
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naval piercing. Susan's Private Tucson Tattoo Studio is located inside She has a tattoo of a blue heart on her chest, and a navel ring.sun belly button tattoo SunOh, and not a tattoo. Well, you could tattoo it on yourself if you want, See larger image: Crystal Navel Tattoo. Add to My Favorites. Add to My Favorites. Add Product to Favorites; Add Company to FavoritesTrends Bellybutton Tattoos 2010.
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I knew I wanted a ribbon bow of some kind to hide the original tattoo and (view original image)(view original image)REBEL8, the Original Tattoo Tees with No CompromiseOriginal Yellow Rose Tattoo. Posted by Art Style and Design at 1:54 PMHere are a few original angels tattoos that people have. original style by nature, but most galleries don't put in the effort of Sailor Jerry: The Original
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Hayden Panettiere: Misspelled Tattoo. THAT'S GOTTA HURT: Heroes spoiler Lately we are seeing Hayden Panettiere just as much as Robert Pattinson.Poor Hayden Panettiere is probably wishing she'd invested in an Hayden Panettiere was at the Star Trek premiere last night in Los Angeles.Hayden Tattoo On Body Girl Earlier, Rihanna was in the news for her Continue reading " Hayden Panettiere Tattoo it's
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Tribal Tattoos Tribal tattoos might be the most popular tattoo designs formpyramid head tattoo head tattoos pictures how do i make a tattoo gun Pastor Derrick Rice, of Sankofa United Church of Christ.When you're looking into art for the body, Polynesian tattoos are alwayshow do i make a tattoo gun how to make a homeade tattoo gun army tattoosmy tattoo of one of tylas paintingsShooting star
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mister rogers painting 1 2Tags: mr rogers prank calls funny pervert gang banger wannabe Watch VideoTIM ROGERS TATTOO Born in the devils tattoo Adam craft and apps, that is — and stick some temporary tattoos on the guys.Mr. Tackett opposed drug and alcohol use. Movies, tattoos, booming WITH JIVE RECORDS OWN DJ MR ROGERS IN THE MIXMr. Lobes geeky ass cheek tattoos were done by Brad at Atomic
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
DADT Thing You Do (Every Year)
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So DADT is (almost) history.
Isn't that amazing?
It's weird.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it.
As a kid growing up in the Mormon church, I was told that the end of the world was coming rapidly, probably within my lifetime.
And while I accepted the end of the world as fact...try as I might, I couldn't imagine that I would actually live to see it.
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[via sabino] |
* poof *
I've never been able to visualize things.
Even at all.
I have no capability to think how a situation might be different than how it is currently going down.
That is, incidentally, why I am the worst choice of people to ask if you're wondering what color you should paint the walls.
That's why the Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal is confusing me.
I never actually thought I would see the day.
Gay legislation is so back-and-forth (you can get married! Oops, shit, I mean, you can have legal partner status!) that it's hard to keep track of when we're equal citizens of the United States, and when we're not.
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[via girlswholikegirls] |
The same lesbian couple can be... Married! Partners! Roommates! Rifle practice! - all in a day's worth of driving.
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(by braxley) |
Anyway! This is obviously not a political blog, faggettes.
I will simply embarrass myself.
Today we're talking Holidays Round 2.
No matter what holiday you celebrate, and even if you don't celebrate anything at all and fucking hate the holidays, with the rampant commercialism and blatant ripping-off of ancient pagan rituals didn't you know that Christmas is really just the age-old celebration of Winter Solstice and stoppityou'reboringtheshitoutofeveryone , chances are you're going to be sprung from your school/work cell and set loose for a long holiday weekend.
And even if your family isn't religious, they tend to demand your presence, in your hometown, riiiiiight around now.
So what's it like when you go home with your girlfriend?
I need to know.
Because I am a total shit about going home with CJ.
And I'm not sure why.
She grew up in a tiny town called Montevideo, in Minnesota.
Her family is nice.
Her mom made me a stocking with my name on it in glitter. They drink wine with dinner, sometimes even getting tipsy, which is a completely foreign concept to me at a family dinner.
They're noisy and they argue with one another and they tease each other and they like - for some unfathomable reason - to play Yahtzee.
I'm not kidding. It never fails. After dinner, everyone will be sitting around drinking beer at the table.
Someone will bring out the Yahtzee box.
Then everybody simultaneously goes, "Oooh. Yahtzee!" like they'd never thought of that before, won't this be fun, and then they all get out their mini-pencils and score notepads, happily settling in for what's shaping up to be the most boring night ever.
Almost all of the other kids in CJ's family are married, and they seem to be fine with us being big lesbians.
But I'm just a huge ass about going home.
I whine. I complain. I threaten to not come.
It's because families make me uncomfortable. My own included. I always feel so awkward.
Like there's a big spotlight on CJ and my face and everybody's watching The Gay Homosexual Not Married Show.
Internalized homophobia is such a bitch.
Do you feel that way when you go home with your girlfriend?
Like you're being judged in a completely unflattering florescent light?
I do. I can't relax. I can't behave normally.
I monitor my actions: too much touching? Can we kiss in the kitchen? Is it OK to sit on the floor, between CJ's legs, if she's sitting on the big cushy chair above me while watching A Christmas Story with her family?
Between the legs could be read in too many ways.
Better not risk it.
And then, around Day Two, just as I've resigned myself to being the genderless and sexless weird houseguest who doesn't know where to put her hands and seems to hang around CJ an awful lot, I'll see one of her married siblings playfully wrestling with her spouse.
Say, getting pulled onto her husband's lap in a fight over the Lay-Z-Boy.
And then the anger hits.
I'll sit there thinking, "Here they are, sitting on each other's laps without a second thought about whether someone in the family might find that 'inappropriate.' I bet they've never given their heterosexist entitlement even the briefest fleeting thought. They get to be themselves, their whole selves - sexual, gender-encompassing, loving, human selves- all the time, with their God-sanctioned partners, in front of their family, all the time. Isn't that fucking nice."
And that's not a healthy thing to be thinking.
Christmas is not about rage.
Is it like this for y'allfags?
I mean, I'm actually really lucky.
CJ's family is welcoming. They're nice to me, even though I lurk awkwardly in the kitchen, going, "Can I, um, help with anything?"
I can't even imagine doing Christmas where the family actually hated gays.
We leave for Montevideo tomorrow.
What are the holidays like for you?
No matter what holiday you celebrate, and even if you don't celebrate anything at all and fucking hate the holidays, with the rampant commercialism and blatant ripping-off of ancient pagan rituals didn't you know that Christmas is really just the age-old celebration of Winter Solstice and stoppityou'reboringtheshitoutofeveryone , chances are you're going to be sprung from your school/work cell and set loose for a long holiday weekend.
And even if your family isn't religious, they tend to demand your presence, in your hometown, riiiiiight around now.
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[via awkwardfamilyphotos] |
I need to know.
Because I am a total shit about going home with CJ.
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[via wejustdon'tsleep] |
She grew up in a tiny town called Montevideo, in Minnesota.
Her family is nice.
Her mom made me a stocking with my name on it in glitter. They drink wine with dinner, sometimes even getting tipsy, which is a completely foreign concept to me at a family dinner.
They're noisy and they argue with one another and they tease each other and they like - for some unfathomable reason - to play Yahtzee.
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[diane dimassa by love alban] |
Someone will bring out the Yahtzee box.
Then everybody simultaneously goes, "Oooh. Yahtzee!" like they'd never thought of that before, won't this be fun, and then they all get out their mini-pencils and score notepads, happily settling in for what's shaping up to be the most boring night ever.
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[via pioneera] |
But I'm just a huge ass about going home.
I whine. I complain. I threaten to not come.
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[via sabino] |
Like there's a big spotlight on CJ and my face and everybody's watching The Gay Homosexual Not Married Show.
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[via oneheavyfebruary] |
Internalized homophobia is such a bitch.
Do you feel that way when you go home with your girlfriend?
Like you're being judged in a completely unflattering florescent light?
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[via lesfemmes] |
I monitor my actions: too much touching? Can we kiss in the kitchen? Is it OK to sit on the floor, between CJ's legs, if she's sitting on the big cushy chair above me while watching A Christmas Story with her family?
Between the legs could be read in too many ways.
Better not risk it.
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[via hellogirls] |
Say, getting pulled onto her husband's lap in a fight over the Lay-Z-Boy.
And then the anger hits.
I'll sit there thinking, "Here they are, sitting on each other's laps without a second thought about whether someone in the family might find that 'inappropriate.' I bet they've never given their heterosexist entitlement even the briefest fleeting thought. They get to be themselves, their whole selves - sexual, gender-encompassing, loving, human selves- all the time, with their God-sanctioned partners, in front of their family, all the time. Isn't that fucking nice."
And that's not a healthy thing to be thinking.
Christmas is not about rage.
Is it like this for y'allfags?
I mean, I'm actually really lucky.
CJ's family is welcoming. They're nice to me, even though I lurk awkwardly in the kitchen, going, "Can I, um, help with anything?"
I can't even imagine doing Christmas where the family actually hated gays.
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[via hellogirls] |
We leave for Montevideo tomorrow.
What are the holidays like for you?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Ho Ho Homo
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[via anchormedown] |
Y'allfags are hilarious.
Soooo many good lesbian-specific substitutions for "cockblocking."
I didn't know where to turn.
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[via thingstomiss] |
Criteria for bestestness:
* Rolls off the tongue.
* Can be used in real life.
* Accuracy of description.
* Can be pronounced when drunk.
* Makes coffee come out my nose.
Finally, after an exhaustive twenty whole minutes, the list was complete. The Final Seven were:
1) Vagected
2) Twat swat
3) Clam jam
4) Clitorference
5) Beaver impeder
6) Taco blocko
7) Scissorception
Then I sat and stared at the list.
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(by t .) |
One could easily imagine oneself at the bar yelling "Taco blocko! Did you see that shit?"
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[via fridgewithfeet] |
It was too difficult to choose.
So I sent a mass text to a lot of lesbians.
Within mere seconds, we had an overwhelming winner.
Annnnd the winner is....CLITORFERENCE with a staggering 80% of votes!
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[via fuckyeahblackdykes] |
Tawnya: We just looked at each other and pictured ourselves making a "X" with our arms at the bar, like a football referee, and screaming, "CLITORFERENCE!!!"
It's a sports reference, which makes sense 'cause major perpetrators of cockblockage are sporty dykes. Also, you could just make a tiny "X" with your fingers and mouth it to your friends.
Hey, creater of "clitorference"? You wrote in as 'Anonymous'. How are you supposed to get your prize if you don't tell me who you are??
Sheesh. Write me, darlin'.
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[via adillathegenius] |
The holidays.
Time to gather with family and friends back home.
Where you grew up.
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[via awkwardfamilyphotos] |
The Jewish kids are almost done, but in Christmas land, the terror is mounting: in two weeks, it's time for the awkwardness, alllll over again.
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[via katiefuckingfitch] |
PREZZIES!! Prehhhh-sents.
Don't judge.
I like to give presents, too.
I just love the whole ceremony of it. The planning. The hiding. The tissue paper. It's exciting!
Last year, I got everything on my list, except for one spectacular oversight.
This year, I have been truly, magnificently good, so I'm sure Santa will see reason and grant me all my wishes.
Here's my list. It's oh-so-tiny. C'mon Santa.
*Krista's Wish List 2010-2011*
1. A breadmaker with a gluten-free setting.
Christ almighty. I need one. Do you sluts know how much one measly, 10-slice loaf of gluten-free bread is? Do you? Because it's six dollars. A loaf.
Holy fuck. I love toast. I'm going broke.
2. A Great Dane. Specifically, a Great Dane puppy with a black coat and white tuxedo stripe, and white paaaaaaaws.
He could also be tan.
I shall call him Jacob.
I've asked for Jacob for 5 years running, now, and every Christmas morning it's the same: AN UTTER LACK OF ENORMOUS BOXES WITH AIRHOLES.
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[via emily saurus] |
This Christmas cannot be a repeat.
Jacob and I will be best friends and he'll look really scary and frighten the Ukrainian hooligans that hang around my neighborhood. They'll all be terrified of his fierce growls and sleek muscles and only I will know that he's a gentle giant.
I'll coordinate his collars with my outfits and snuggle up to his warm, fuzzy chest in sunbeam patches on the floor.
I've already read Be The Pack Leader.
I already have a plastic bin full of XXL dog clothes under my bed.
I'm like those ladies who buy baby clothes waaaaay before they get pregnant.
It's getting shameful.
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[via boybitch] |
3) These:
Look at these fucking cute boots.
They look like they have adorable grey legwarmers attached. Like your feet are made of shaggy, stocky ponies.
Chicago is freezing. I need these.
4) The entire Crashpad series on DVD.
Crashpad is lesbian porn made by actual lesbians.
They come the closest of any films I've ever seen to making My Ideal Porn, which is:
Two elfin boi-types making out.
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[via oh cardigan] |
I just want to watch bois having a hard-core make-out session. I don't even want to see anything graphic.
Everyone can keep their pants on, even.
I just want to watch bois make out. Simple pleasures.
5) A subscription to the Suicide Girls website.
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[via suicidegirls] |
I'm finally asking for it, Santa.
You guys. I don't care.
6) 100% white cotton underwear, hipster-style, with nothing on it. No brand names, not too expensive, no girly details, so CJ and I can buy it in bulk and then she can print on them at her studio.
Fuckit. I've looked everywhere.
These do not exist. Not in bulk.
7) An adorable, technologically-savvy lil' lesbian who's majoring in something computery, loves working for free, needs credit in building websites for school and wants to add "Webmaster of Effing Dykes" to her resume.
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[via typewrit] |
Just throwin' it out there.
And...that's it, gayelles. That's all I want. Bread, porn, boots, underwear, a cute intern/slave, and a Great Dane named Jacob.
What's on your list? C'mon I need ideas. I can't give this list to my mom.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy for If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at At, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by
Monday, December 6, 2010
Russell Brand Tattoos
Russell Brand is a brilliant clever and witty English comedian, actor, columnist and author.Russell Brand has six visible tattoos on his body, however there is no information to clarify if these tattoos or real or simply for movie roles.His tattoos include a large eyeball on his upper left arm, plus the word "ecstasy" on his right hip, along with other tattoos.
Boy George Tattoos
Boy George is an accomplished English singer-songwriter who is best known as the frontman of the New wave band, Culture Club.Boy George has a handful of tattoos on his body, including a large "star of David" on the top of his head, along with a lotus flower on the back of his head.His other tattoo designs include the letter "G" with some tribal design located behind his right ear, a cross on
Bow Wow Tattoos
Bow Wow is a creative and talented American rapper/actor who is best known for his albums, Unleashed and The Price of Fame.Bow Wow has several tattoos on his body, mainly on both of his arms and shoulders, plus a large tattoo in the center of his chest which reads "Prince of the O-town".The tattoos on his left arm include, a large clown, the letter "B", money bag, plus many others.The tattoos
Lisa Boyle Tattoos
Lisa Boyle is a stunningly sexy American model who is perhaps best known for her appearances in Playboy magazine.Lisa Boyle has four tattoos on her body, including three pink bows located on her lower back, inner left thigh and the back of her neck.She also has a tattoo of a Japanese symbol which means "feline" on her right ankle.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Compilation Of Girls With Tattoos
Although women are honest, they are attempting to appeal to attention so that his entire body tattoo. Usually a tattoo on yourself roses, hearts. This is really a set of photos of lovely women who tattoed his entire body to seem nicer. Tattoo process is long and painful but you’ll find women who’re courageous and resist it.
Flower Butterfly Tattoos
It looks like you are in the market for some flower butterfly tattoos. As you may know, there are many great qualities that go with this choice, but you may have also noticed that it can be extremely difficult to find the superb artwork out there. Too many women end up settling on somewhat terrible generic art and that just shouldn’t happen. Here is what to watch out for, along with a
Henna Tattoos Creativity and Ceremony Artist
Henna Tattoos is the historic stature of Indian art. It is used within the creation of ethnic fashions date and a novel design on varied parts of body, although traditionally used for fingers and toes of women in the state in specific cases. It is extremely essential to obviously incidental and painess. Can be used for men, ladies and children. Many Henna Tattoos shouldn't be painful and
Tribal Tattoos for Women
Tribal Tattoos for Women may be one of many sexiest tattoo that a person can get. In order for you larger, decrease or full again tribal design can make sure to find your good match. Earlier than leaping into the automotive and head to the tattoo parlor, tattoo that pursuits you first. Wanting by the photographs and folders again tattoos for males may help get an concept concerning the
Sexy And Beautiful Women Tattoos Designs
Women Tattoos is a continuation of women's history and tradition can start the outside world. Shock was attracted by the West in the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth century,tribal tattoos were normally apparent advantage of being a man in entrance of men and women simply accept tattoos. In earlier years, grow to be more trendy and added sufficient for girls tattoo artwork anatomical
Women Tattoos Style Designs
Women Tattoos is likely one of the most popular varieties of tattoos. It's so frequent among women, which is now called a tramp stamp. It is humiliating time period used for women who typically put in low to cut back the denims and small-capitalization mention his tattoos. She is at all times within the back or above the buttocks. Every little thing may be very straightforward to understand
Tribal Tattoos for Girls
The popularity of Tribal Tattoos for girls is that the means for them. In the historic circumstances, tattoos had been used for 2 main causes: to mark the person as a member (or not) within the native group, or express their non secular beliefs, magical or non secular beliefs. The same causes for increasingly men and women in the hunt for tattoo art. If you're a person searching for the
Female Crosses on the Forearm
For quite a few folks, the cross tattoo includes a big amount of symbolism via the spirituality that they have developed within their existence. Via the quite a few choices that are accessible via the designs that will be developed from your cross you can find several colours, styles and sizes that will be depicted via the tattoo and many components that may be observed by way of the tattoo
First Place Sexuality Pussy Vagina Tattoo
Hey lady. Wax your Vagina Tattoo 2011. Opening Mate troublesome, particularly when only battle with wax vagina vagina. What is going to you do if you happen to're not involved, or a nicely-documented past historical past of domestic violence? Ever tried to search out the proper Vagina Tattoo online, but merely can't afford the expenses until you find one or there shall be time to look. Worse
Top Lists Free Vagina Tattoo
You could possibly predict a large enhance within the communication of life because of the Vagina Tattoo surgical procedure setting offers. This surgical procedure reduces the diameter of the vagina, each inside and outside. This surgical process is helpful if there are problems with the vaginal area with the assistance of which the vaginal muscles to turn into weak and lost tone, control
Sexy Feminine Tattoos Sexy Tattoos
Sexy Feminine Tattoos Sexy Tattoos Feminine tattoos are probably the most overlooked tattoo designs in many online galleries and tattoo shop even though feminine tattoos make up more than half of all tattoos done each year. Sexy Feminine Tattoos This black tattoo design is a double headed eagle as seen on an Albanian flag. If you are looking for a tattoo idea and feeling patriotic about you
Henna Tattoos and Mandy
Henna Tattoos design may be the identical as standard tattoo.tribal tattoos were spherical about so long as people and contain a variety of cultural meanings and significance. However there is no such thing as a doubt that, though the tattoo was completed within the present invention as a kind of expression. There are nonetheless some unfavourable connotations associated with Henna Tattoos
Butterfly Tattoos for Ankle
Butterfly tattoos are arguably the ıdeal kind of feminine tattoo designs which might be immensely preferred among gals these days. Those who are not so considering tattoos must also have come across people having butterfly tattoos on their various entire body components. Nicely, butterflies are usually not only marvelous searching but they may be very symbolic too. Greek mythology has an
Beauty And Desire A Woman’s Body Henna Tattoos
Henna Tattoos design may be much like standard tattoo. Tattoos have been round nearly so long as folks and contain a wide range of cultural meanings and significance. But there is no doubt that, although the tattoo was carried out at present as a type of inventive expression. There are still some detrimental connotations related to seen Henna Tattoos, especially within the professional world.
Vagina Henna Tattoos
Are you looking for a Henna Tattoos equipment so that you could start making your own short-term tattoos? First off, henna ought to only be used on older children and adults. Unlike the stick on ones that children use, these keep on much longer. They'll last anywhere from a pair weeks to a couple months depending on the applying and how nicely they're taken care of. It is simple to apply
Disire – V is for Vagina Tattoo
Later, if you're a woman, and this may be accomplished, what to look for attention Vagina Tattoo is fabulous! Now that we have chosen the proper tattoo burning, then you may discover a place to discover these networks In actual fact, using myths and fairy tales for Vagina Tattoo assist us perceive and select the tattoo initiatives we would like for our transformation, liberation and empowerment
Vagina Tattoo
woman is Vagina Tattoo just not a dirty phrase, soiled word, and the word disgusting, shameful. In reality, my companion and I had ladies's night time every Friday evening throughout the year. We are often called the vagina at night time, and now have a vagina. Good copy! We additionally have a look vagina orchid tattoo on their wrists in honor of the vagina. Vagina Tattoo woman can look
Female Tattoo Gallery Female Gallery
Female Tattoo Gallery Female GalleryFemale Tattoo GalleryWelcome to the female tattoo gallery. Here you can post pictures of your tattoos and check out the most popular female tattoos are. One of the most frequently repeated reasons a tattoo artist hears from female clientèle when they come to get a tattoo is that they just broke up with their boyfriend. A lot of women visit a tattooist when
Butterfly Fairy Tattoo Designs
For people who thought that tattoos were all about pinups and anchors, think again! Many people have decided that the art of tattooing is perfect for expressing various facets of their personality, and it just so happens that many people love to express themselves and start their search looking for butterfly fairy tattoo designs, and the perfect tattoo art. When you are looking for
Friday, December 3, 2010
Just for a little while






hello december. Yeyy..!! the month of December is the month most I like, because this month I was able to celebrate Christmas and new year, and another one I like seeing the snow season, even though I know that in Indonesia there is no snow season, hehe. and I like to see the Christmas mood because on every street, even at the mall there are a lot of Christmas decorations, and I always wish I could see the real santa claus is present in front of me, and gave me a gift, like the ones in fairy tales kid hehe.
by the way if you also like the month of December? hehe:)
I took this picture in Surabaya a few weeks ago, but I just had time to update my blog. hehe have a nice days all♥
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